As the warlocks creations grew more and more successful, one egg hatched into a fearsome and powerful dragon with golden scales and eyes of purist black.
This dragon was to be named the first of the Elder Dragons; Beasts with enhanced powers and abilities over those of their smaller kin and the real pride of the Allied Realms.
His name - Voldestus, later to be claimed as the King of the dragons. But his heart was as black as those piercing eyes, and he longed to end the torment of his kind by any means.

There was one elder dragon that won the hearts of the people of the combined realms, Surexx the kind.
A dragon who was unique in that his entire body was ignited in flame.
His deeds were sung throughout the taverns, and his stories told by those who had witnessed his majesty.
The Inquisitors
Hunters, who follow the command of King Voldestus, smaller than other dragons but able to pursue human and elf alike to their deaths.
A deep evil dwells within these beings.
Lava Tooth
A vicious breed of destruction. The Lava Tooth breath fire and have a vicious bite through jaws brimming with frothing lava.
They are loyal to their King, and a danger to all who might face them.
Eastern Greentail
Small, nimble dragons originally bred for delivering messages of importance over long distance.
Greentail’s fled rather than follow the Kings tyrannical rule, and resided safely in the Eastern city of Jarmunpek.
The allied realms will prosper once again. Join us on the journey.